Thursday, September 24, 2009

Liberty Vintage and The Caterpillar

Tonight I went to hear music at the caterpillar, a small stage with benches near Frankford and York Street. There I met Adam Cramer (below) working at Liberty Vintage Motorcycle Repair. He was attaching a sidecar to a motorcycle. A little later, when I was about to leave, I watched him drive down the street with it. It worked.  

I like this shot, just wish I'd been a little wider with it. 
This is Will Hannan. He was playing with his band tonight. His voice reminded me of Marc Bolan's. I was shooting from the hip for all of these shots at 1600 ISO.

Nockamixon Community Day

Saturday, September 19th, was Nockamixon Township community day at Bucks County Horse Park. Hooray for bi-planes. Aesthetically speaking, I wish there were some clouds up there.  Journalistically speaking: hooray (in an objective voice) for bi-planes. 
Yes, this was cropped. But is cutting out blue "lying by omission"? No, I think i'll be okay. 

Ali Baba (left) had just got done challenging this boy to a hula-hoop off. I think Baba won this one (although he was getting beat by a lot of the girls) but they had no hard feelings in the end. 

I like the blue on blue mojo here. 

Saturday, September 19, 2009


My little sister Rachel and her best bud Tiffany came home late tonight. They are in my sisters room. I like the mood. 

Billy and Family

Tonight I met Billy. He came with his mom, Vanessa and my cousin Travis. Billy is three years old and was playing with an iphone for a minute in the corner before it got taken away before a possibly expensive phone call was made. This was actually a harder photo to make. I had to pump my ISO to 1600. I was at F3.5 and shooting 1/8 of a second. I leaned against the wall and held my breath.  


I was on my parents farm today. I love being in the woods again. 

I like the shallow depth of field here. 


I took these pictures today in the library on Temple's campus. I was playing with lines. 

I chased this man down after I took the shot to tell him I took his photo and ask for his name. He was seemed offended that I took his photo and didn't want to me have his name. 

I like lines and reflections... 
Reflections and leading lines. 

Maybe it's boring, but I wonder what it would go for in a posh art gallery in NYC.

Rap on Campus

This is Ben Lagos. He is a senior Latin American studies major. I saw him watching the rap group on campus at the bell tower today. I like the shot but wish I had more of his features. I took it from this angle to get his tattoo in. 


I took this photo of my unsuspecting fiance' this morning. He was sleeping and I got my window light shot for class. I wish it was a little lighter, the exposure was low, but I guess that helps define the time as 7 am (maybe). 

Old City

I was in Old City Thursday afternoon, taking pictures for a Cyberspace and Society project. I was to define this neighborhood without people. Here are some of the less architectural photos I took. 

This statue is at the 615 Public Ledger Building. I like her mood, and saw the photo as I shot it. 

This is my attempt at hinting at a business world. It was taken at the corner of 3rd and Market. Legs aren't whole people right? 

This dog is amazing. I love this moment. 

This is a walkway next to Christ Church on 2nd and Market. I like the fallen leaves in the shot.
This is the same dog as before... a quieter moment. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Bike Messenger

I was at the Rodin Place on 21st and Hamilton Street and I met Tomy Lipka, a bike messenger. He said that Pete Rose is the best baseball player and is a fan of the Phillies.
This goes against all conventional portraiture, but this tattoo is a part of him worth seeing. 

I guess it could be considered a cliche' shot... but how many fans actually go this far? 

Unusual Portrait

This is an attempt at an "unusual portrait" or one that "goes against all conventional portraiture." 

This is Brian Pasquariello. He is a last semester senior in Sociology. He was sitting on the heater in Anderson hall. I met him before one of my classes and thought his tattoo and book was portrait enough. 

Four Square

This past Sunday (September 13th) I ran into a group playing four square on Temple Campus by the bell tower. They asked me to join so my fiance' and I did (although I ended up photo ninja-ing instead of actually playing). Diane, the organizer of the event said that she is going to try to have the group meet every Sunday afternoon, so it's a good time if you'd like to play.

This is my best try at four square triangle composition. I like the action... you might think that four square wouldn't be a ruthless sport, but I learned that it has it's moments. 

This is Diane. She coordinated the event through a Facebook group she made for four square at Temple. I'm glad the ball is stopped but wish I hadn't chopped off her unsuspecting fingers on her one hand. 

I don't think he was playing foursquare, but I like the whole musician in the grass thing. 

I don't know his name but would recognize him anywhere. I love the light and the depth of field here. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sophie's Yarns

Sophie's Yarns on fabric row is a quaint little knitting shop. My friend brought me here on Saturday.

I like the texture and color in the yarn photographs. Of course, a cat lover myself, I also like the cat picture- it seems true to that cats personality. 


This is Sheryl. I took her photograph near 13th and Jefferson on September 11. She is a crossing guard who got stuck in the rain. Although her uniform may look like it would keep her dry, she told me that water will find it's way in. 


These photographs were taken on Friday, September 11. They were all shot near Anderson Hall. It was a rainy day, as well as a somber one. 

 Although the man in the background is not in focus I am hoping that the reflection of the caution tape in the water and the bubbles are enough to draw viewers into the back. 

Taking a moment to lean on the wall, I think a nice mood is created. I am a sucker for fog.

I think a bunch of rules have been broken, but the light on the fog is enough for me to enjoy the dramatic effect. 

Shown in class

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Philadelphia's First Naked Bike Ride

Philadelphia's Naked Bike Ride: need I say more? To show support for biker awareness/ safety, gas free transportation, and oh yes- nakedness- bikers got together on Sunday, September 6 and biked around some of Philadelphia's most popular spots. So, as advised, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do," I tagged along, bared all I felt like daring and had a very good time. Just as the bikers ranged in ages, from as young as infancy (babies were in those carrier seats) to people who might be eligible for the SEPTA senior discount, we also varied in the amount of clothes shed. Some just took off their shirt, while others went for the full monty (and all of the others in between). All in all, I think this is one experience I'm glad I had before I died- complete and utter silliness. If we didn't achieve any of PNBR's original goals, I know for certain it made a lot of Philadelphian's laugh their heads off. 

Above: I like this photograph. It was hard to take because I was biking. I wish that a few more people were in better focus but the motion adds to the story.   

This photograph shows this guy how I saw him. I just wish there were catch lights in his eyes. 

This is just for fun. He did that spontaneously. I'm glad that I took it horizontal. 
Go Temple! Where's your cherry & white? 

OOh, I hope this made you laugh. That is all it's there for. 

I like this photograph because it helps show one of the reasons why so many people stripped down. It was funny how the more naked people were around you the more your own body image was boosted. It was good to see real people with real bodies, and not those air brushed plastics that are splattered on billboards across the nation. The only thing I would want changed (If I had my wish), would be having that guy in the background move so he was not coming out of this poor girls head. 
He seems to be another photographer on the ride. I like this photo and I really don't care that he is almost centered (which probably makes me some horrible person for breaking the rules).